Your Quick Guide to Finding Running Plans

Do you think starting something new is difficult? It could be cooking, exercising, reading, etc. How often are you looking up "How to...." into Google? It's difficult to know where to start.

Our team at the Irving Marathon wants to make sure you are healthy. One of the ways to promote that is by running/walking.

Irving Marathon Free Community Social Run

There are hundreds of blogs and pages on different types of running plans.


How will you know which is best for you?

What kind of questions should you answer before attempting a plan?

Check out our guide to finding the best running plan for YOU.

Find Your Why

  • Why do you want to run?

  • Do you need to lose weight?

  • Do you want a new hobby?

  • Are you just wanting to get in better shape?

There are all sorts of reasons people choose to run (or walk) as a hobby. Before looking up a plan, know your "why."

However, don't let your why just be a statement.

It should have substance.

If you want to run to lose weight, why? To be healthier? To live longer? Improve your self-confidence?

If you want running to be a new hobby, why? Find friends? Bored a lot? Need something exciting?

Set a Goal

Whether it's to simply get started running or to run a marathon, have a set goal in mind. Running plans are for everyone, so it doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a marathoner. If you've ever looked up how to set goals, you've certainly come across the SMART acronym. It's a great way to understand goal setting. There are a few points to emphasize both on and off that list.

Lifestyle Expectations

Are you expecting to not have to make any changes to your normal day? Would you be able to easily adjust your schedule to make room for running a couple of miles a few days per week?

It's important to know when you'll be able to run so you can set proper goals. This ensures you won't quit when you aren't able to meet your unthought-out expectations.

Measurable Goal

Is your goal measurable? Do you want to reduce yours to mile time? Are you trying to run a certain distance? Make sure you can write down and track your progress towards the goal.

Time-bound Goals

Do NOT leave your goal without a deadline. Don't just say you'll train for a half-marathon and not set benchmarks. Your goals should have a deadline and then checkmarks along the way. A good running plan will also have these outlined.

Alone or In a Group?

If you are an experienced runner, you might be good at training alone. If you are new to running then running in a group could be the best idea for you. Running in a group is very beneficial.

To know if you should train alone or in a group is totally up to you. It depends on how well you know yourself. If you are self-disciplined, train alone. If you need a morale boost, find someone else or a group.

Start a Running Plan With Purpose

One of the ways to ensure you can follow your SMART goal is to look forward to running events. Irving Marathon Running Series events are not just about running. It's also about community. Reward yourself after a run by enjoying food, drink, and other relaxing events at the Toyota Music Factory! We have events almost every month, so find your next running event today.